Sunday, January 3, 2010

Ok, well I have not written anything in a REALLY long time so here goes. I moved back down to Utah Valley to pretty much get ready for my mission. I got my mission call to The Arkansas, Little Rock Mission. I leave March 3rd, English speaking. Exactly two months from today. I have quite a bit to do still before I go. Jess said she would keep up this blog for my mission.

Christmas was pretty great! We had Christmas night and most of the rest day at my mothers house. I didn't ask for much because of my mission and she suprised me with a brand new digital camera and 8 gig memory card for my mission. And a bunch of jewelry supplies which I really enjoy doing! And we had Christmas dinner. Then at my dad's we went and saw Sherlock Holmes that night which was christmas night there again. I LOVE SHERLOCK HOLMES! I have read like every story of his ever!!! I was SO excited!!!! It was FANTASTIC! And I just mostly got mission stuff at my dad's. Jewelry, shoes, a new coat. All around good.

Jimmy coming home was great. Being with everyone again. And my girl friends and I practiced the song for my farewelll. It will be so great!

I died my hair darker. While Leash was down we just chilled and did what we do best. Just took pictures. It is always funny. We always intend on watching a movie but end up just sitting on her bed talking and taking pictures. And we got Jamba.

That's all for now. Love you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Alishia said...

YAY A post! I love the pictures- man are we funny! :)