Saturday, July 31, 2010

June 14 Letter

Today was the day we got transfer calls. Sister Miller was super nervous. I was not really. Whatever happens happens. I would suck if she left because I would have to take over the area with a new sister and things would be different and I like the way there are most of the time. I just have nothing to compair it too. Oh well I love Camden and I get to be here for the fourth of July. That will be fun! We will obvously go over to the Martinez's and would probably not have if I was with someone new so that is good. But this will be my third transfer in Camden. Well the only other sister areas are Millington TN (which is a hard area I hear) or the new sister area New Haven which is right on the border of Mississippi and Tennessee. So I could so be there at some point which would be cool. The area covers some of Misssissippi so that would be cool. There is one Sister who is leaving after this transfer who never got to come out of Tennessee her whole mission. Which is funny since the mission in Arkansas.
Oh man there is this AWESOME member who just is one of the greatest ever. Sister Rose Hilson. Who's family is from the Italian mafia. AWESOME I know. Her great-grandfather was a high up mafia guy in Texas and there was a lot of shady stuff in her family history. SO COOL! Anywho she made us an awesome dinner. Very southern. White chicken chili (Awesome. I am getting the recipefor all of it. It is super easy), hot water corn bread which is just the best corn bread ever! and fried green tomatoes! OH it was fantastic. What a great night. She is just a neat lady. We just love going over there and eating and talking. We know when we go over there for the night we will be there until almost curfew. Ha Her husband who is just funny and the greatest Sunday school teacher ever drives trucks so he is gone during the week. So we just chill with her.
Ah sunday was Branch conference and the stake presidency came down from Little Rock and it was just a great meeting. Jarred and his dad came this time. We were so beyond thrilled and they really enjoyed it. I think we have almost gotten to Don and Jarred just needs a little push but six weeks are finally paying off. They stayed for the pot luck and got to know the members. It was fantastic food as I knew it would be. The members here are such good cooks. I was super excited. Oh and Kathey Hilson is FINALLY going to get baptized! We were walking out with her, her husband and their little family and his mother in law (Rose Hilson) and he told us she was going to "take the plunge" soon. In two or three weeks. We were super excited. This is YEARS in the making. We were excited but you should have seen Rose's face. Her mouth just dropped. Well they got in their car and left and Rose like freaked out, she could not contain her excitement anymore. It was super funny.
Oh Elder Andersen is getting transfered. That makes me sad. Since I have known him the longest of anyone out here. Oh well. I will miss him when he is probably over the river in Tenessee. We get to restock our supplies today. We are like totally out of everything because we did not know if we were leaving ha. Anywho. Pray for me not to die of heat stroke. ha LOVE FROM THE SOUTH

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